Peter Adsett presented a great floor talk at Pataka today at the opening of his show Matawhero: Bullet Holes and Bandages. Adestt paints abstract anti-modernist, on the floor. The exhibition is facilitated by Mattie Nache and Gene Paul of PAUL NACHE in sunny Gisborne.
Lorene Taurerewa's excellent exhibition Sleight of Hand also opened today. The highlights are two large charcoals, each approx 2.8 metres high. The largest work is over 4 .5 meters high. Lorene returned to New York on Tuesday. It was good to see a few familiar Porirua faces and other friends at the opening.
Hamish Coney re Thursday's Important Paintings and Contemporary Art auction: "Quite a good sale but a bit of a Himilaya which is a reflection of the current market." We say good bye Yvonne and welcome back Lisa.
Tips for your next trip to Gisborne:
1. Fish and chips anywhere anytime.
2. PAUL NACHE for a selection of fantastic mens footwear and style.
3. Soho Bar for a good cocktail.
4. A Poverty Bay Radio Control Car Club of Poverty Bay (PBRCCCPB) race meet.